There are sixteen main Sacraments (Sanskaras):

These range from conception to funeral ceremonies.

Pre-Natal Sanskaras:

1. Garbhadhana (Sacrament of Impregnation)

2. Punsavanam (Second or third month of pregnancy)

3. Simantonnayana (Between the fifth and eighth month of pregnancy)

Post-Natal Sanskaras:
4. Jatakarma Sanskara
 The time when the child is being born
Some interesting pre-natal directions found in early texts on the subject

5. Namakarna Sanskara (Naming the child)

6. Niskramana Sanskara
Child is brought out of house. (3rd and 4th month)

7. Annaprashana Sanskara
The first feeding of cereal at six months

8.Chudakarma Sanskara
First time cutting of hair, 1st year or 3rd year

9. Karnaedha Sanskara
Piercing the ears in the third or fifth year

10 A.Upnayana Sanskara
Investiture of Sacred Thread From 8th year

10 B. Vedarambha Sanskara
commencing the study of the Vedas
Father’s advice to his son
Only that is the king (Qualities Needed to Lead a Nation)
Only that is the Acharya (Qualities Needed To Become A Teacher)
Upon completion of studies, the teacher instructs the pupil

11. Samavartana Sanskara (Returning Home)
When the studies are completed

12. Vivaha sanskara (Marriage ceremony)
(Hindu marriage ceremony)
Also (Pre-marriage ceremonies and preparations

13.Grihasthashrama (Sacraments related to house-holders)

14. Vanaprasthashrama (Renouncing the householder's life)

15. Sanyasashrama (Leading the life of a monk)

16. Funeral-Antyeshti (Thelast rites of the dead)
 However According to Gautama Dharmasutra there are forty outer karma sanskaras(good qualities) and eight inner karma sanskara , the purpose of which is to enabling a human being to realize, identify and touch union with the Brahma atma (his or her Soul, Self, Highest Being). The eight good qualities listed by Gautama Dharmasutra are emphasized as more important than the forty sanskara rituals,

These are the forty sanskara (sacramentary rites)
Next, the eight virtues of the self
Compassion towards all creatures, patience, lack of envy, purity, tranquillity, having a positive disposition, generosity, and lack of possessiveness.
A man who has performed the forty sanskaras but lacks these eight virtues does not obtain union with brahma.
A man who may have performed only some of the forty sanskaras but possesses these eight virtues, on the other hand, is sure to obtain union with Brahma
The Gautama Dharmasutras list the following forty rituals as outer sanskaras:
Garbhadhana (pregnancy), Pumsavana (rite celebrating the fetus, many translate it as quickening a male fetus), Simantonnayana (parting of pregnant woman's hair in 8th month), Jatakarman (rite celebrating the birth), Namakarana (naming the child), Annaprashana (baby's first feeding of solid food), Choulam (baby's first haircut, tonsure), and Upanayana (entry into school rite);
1. The four vows associated with Vedic study;
2. Graduation ritual at the conclusion of school;
3. Marriage sva-dharma rite;
4. Five sacrifices to gods, ancestors, humans, spirits, and all knowledge;
5. Seven remembrances and donations (sacrifices) using cooked food, in the form of ancestral offerings
6. Seven remembrances and donations (sacrifices) in the presence of fire (yajna) to mark harvests, seasons and deities
7. Seven kinds of Soma sacrifices: agnistoma, atyagnistoma, ukthya, sodasin, vajapeya, atiratra and aptoryama.
8. eight virtues and inner rites of passage (compassion, patience, non-envy, purity of thought speech and body, inner calm and peace, positive attitude, generosity, and lack of possessiveness).


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